Tuesday 5 January 2016

Unit 73-Psychology of sound

Task 1

List at least 3 games (or films) which use sound as information (speech, iconography, symbolism and or metaphors) to convey information.

1) Tom & Jerry the movie
2) Sonic the hedgehog
3) Call of duty:World at war,Black ops 1,Black ops 2, Black Ops 3

Speech-Dialogues are a very vital part of any visual media of entertainment, which means video games as well. And the stronger and well-written the dialogues are, the better the story of the game turns out to be. It is believed by many that dialogues are the very backbone of any story, because if the dialogues fall flat, so does the entire narrative, for they are what drive the entire flow forward, lead one thing to the other.
Video games are no different in this aspect, especially the ones these days, what with them having so heavy and complex stories. And with strong speeches showered between regular intervals, a game can truly outshine its competition- if, of course, the speeches are well written and delivered.

Iconography-Iconography is the use of images and symbols to portray a subject, movement or ideal. It can also be the use of certain symbols that convey certain genres such as religious iconographyiconography in art andiconography in film and television.

Symbolism-Silent Hill 2. Practically everything.
I like how it keep the symbolism within its own story instead of going for somewhat fun but pointless real life parallels. I mean, take that human Reaper idea of yours: It's interesting and all, but where does it tie with the story or its themes in any straightforward way?
I suppose you don't lose anything by adding some random symbolism into a story, but I fail to see how they contribute to it either without being relevant to the context.
But anyway, another game is Xenogears. I know, it might seem pretty pretentious with all the ham-fisted Bible references and religious symbols (and some parts really are, like the whole silly crucifixion scene)... But in the end it starts to make sense having all that pointless Judeo-Christian symbolism, when you realize the scope of the story. The plot eventually goes back 10000 years, explaining how the humans came to be on the planet and for what purpose.
You kinda start realizing that all the individually pointless symbolic moments are there to add to the biblical scale of the plot.

Post from escapeistmagazine

Metaphors-metaphor is a figure of speech that identifies something as being the same as some unrelated thing for rhetorical effect, thus highlighting the similarities between the two.

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