Tuesday 26 April 2016

Wayne`s 10 Questions

1) I thought the assignments were fairly easy once you get started.

2) At first starting to create the 2 games was difficult because i had not used game maker before. But after i got into it was fairly straight forward except for the coding.

3) In the space invaders game i learnt how to create enemy AI that actually started to get harder to kill as the game progressed.

4) In the maze game i learnt how to create a variety of different levels,enemy picks up,power ups and more...

5) As for maths no, i did`t learn no maths but i did learn the GML a lot better.

6) When i did the maths puzzles i did not exactly learn any maths considering it was a maths game and i knew all the maths anyway.

7) I rate my maths a GCSE C.

8) I have got 6 GCSE grade ranging from C-B.

9) The maths was fairly easy throughout the assignments.

10) My opinion towards maths has not changed.