Tuesday 13 October 2015

Concept Art

Concept Art

Graphics Specification

Graphic Specification

Client Needs-The Needs also known as "brief" is the summery of what they want you to do for them. That could be things such as artwork for there games.
Audience-The gender and background are taken into consideration

Thumb nail-Art directors and graphic designers, as well as other kinds of visual artists, use the term "thumbnail sketch" to describe a small drawing on paper (usually part of a group) used to explore multiple ideas quickly.Thumbnail sketches are similar to doodles, but may include as much detail as a small sketch.

Visual StyleVisual styles relates to how the game appears to the player. It focuses on the appearance of the main game world and the components used within the world to enhance the game play. There are types such as cel-shaded, exaggeration and photorealism are the more used ones. However anime and pixel styles are becoming more popular.

Composition-The nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up.

Typography-The style and appearance of printed matter.

Technical consideration

Consider managing the size of the AIX error log on AIX nodes, and the system log on Linux, Windows, and Solaris nodes

Image file formats the normal way to store and organize digital graphics. They are made of either vector data, pixels, or a mixture of the two. The image file size is shown by the number of bytes. The greater the number of rows and columns, the greater the image resolution, and the larger the file size

The three most common image file formats, the most important for printing, scanning and Internet use, are TIFF, JPG and GIFF. However, Tiff cannot be used in Internet browsers.

Digital asset management is made out of management tasks and decisions surrounding the annotation, cataloging, storage and distribution of assets. Digital asset management systems have in it computer software and hardware systems that help in the process of digital asset management.

Computer Game Graphicst

Computer game Graphics

Print Media

  • Is a type of production which many company's use to show the public their up coming These are things such as posters and box art, which can be used for marketing. Print media art is essentially any sort of material that applies to a game in the form of a print. 
  • The aim of this type of graphic is to look appealing and draw people it to buy it, this is achieved through use of colours, different techniques of drawing styles and sometimes writing. Such as this box art which clearly shows this, It has a large title that has the effect that it is shooting out at you, which makes it attract the eye. 
  • You can also see that when you look at this item of print media, the eye is instantly drawn to the lightsaber blade which is the focal point of this box art.

In-Game Graphics

The in-game graphics are the most important type of graphics, the in game graphics represent the game it self. Below are examples of in-game graphics


This a type of style that creates a realistic effect, call of duty is well known for this sort of effect. The term photorealism is used when the artist creates work based on a picture or video, and the resulting piece of artwork is highly realistic, photo-real-ism


This type of graphics is a very uncommon thing to see in video games, it is not rare, as some designers prepare the style, but it is not the norm for games, one of the most famous games that use cell-shading are the "borderlands" games, these games are quite popular and come away from the norm by using the cell-shading technique.


The exaggerated visual style is loosely based on photorealism, the arts style has been enhanced and modified to represent something that could be realistic but is heavily overdone. 

Concept art Graphics

Concept art is a form of illustration used to convey an idea for use in (but not limited to) films, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product. Concept art is also referred to as visual development and/or concept design.