Tuesday 6 October 2015

Game Reviews

Review On Dying Light and Borderlands 2
1.       Dying Light                                                                      2.       Borderlands:2

Dying Light- I personally think dying light is a 9/10 for a zombie game. Reasons behind this are because you have the ability to freely  explore the map this is prior to the ability to parkour, kill zombies in unique ways and use special mods to make your weapons that extra bit more violent. With this they are the zombies the come in different shapes and sizes and have different attributres from slow and extremely strong to fast and weak however some are inbetween
Another thing about this game is that the developers (Techland) are behind the game 100% they produce downloadable content very frequently.

Review by 

Tom Hoggins- (Video Games Editor)
In a zombie apocalypse, those who can run hold the power. This is the concept Techland’s Dying Light explores, casting you as a parkour-adept courier in the quarantined city of Harran. Its first-person free-running recalls Mirror’s Edge, but it is grimier, clumsier. These are desperate scrambles over ramshackle rooftops, not graceful sprints across a pristine city. A seething mass of undead shuffle around at street level below you as you hoik yourself up telegraph poles and leap between abandoned cars and buses.

Borderlands 2- Is just one of them SHOOT N` LOOT games, but unlike other franchise this game delivers a wide range of shooting, killing, looting and farming. You can let your friends do all work or be the Gunsearker (Salvador) and control field with his awesome ability to wield two guns, if you are a well-known player with borderlands 2 you will know that Salvador can literally become god, with the right skill tree you take down bosses in seconds literally.
Review by http://venturebeat.com/
Borderlands 2 is a huge game. Completing the story while doing only a fraction of the side quests takes about 30 hours. Now, add to that all of those extra missions, and you have an even longer experience. If you still crave more, you can then replay the game with four classes, each with three different skill trees that alter their styles.
But I’m not done! After you beat the game, you unlock a harder difficulty to challenge your decked-out character. Simply put, I’m not good enough at math to properly calculate exactly how many hours you could spend playing Borderlands 2. Let’s just say it’s a lot.

Josh Assignment one

The Artistic Style

2D Mario is Cell-shading and exaggeration this is because Mario is designed for the younger audience and therefor is meant to be played for fun and casually, however the holes in the map are a darker shade creating a contrast between life and death to avoid dying you must jump over these endless pits.

Batman Arkham Knight is a 3D platform game that brings the same exaggeration effect just like Mario except instead of the wacky monster and clouds batman’s build is the subject that is being exaggerated also this game follows a photorealistic approach with the scenery trying to look like a dark and gloomier New York City.

Computer game graphics

In Mario are usually 8-bit because the platform they play on can only handle small bit file which would explain the lack of graphics in the Mario series this is not a downfall because Mario is designed like this purposely for the platform at hand.

Batman on the other hand would be ran at a higher bit such as 64-bit to match the satisfaction for the next generation consoles and pcs this is done to match the artistic style photorealism.
From 0:06-0:29 you can see the full exaggeration of the armour.

Types of digital graphics

What is a 2D and 3D sprite?

2D sprites-In computer graphics, a sprite is a two-dimensional image or animation that is integrated into a larger scene. Initially including just graphical objects handled separately from the memory bitmap of a video display, this now includes various manners of graphical overlays.
3D isometric sprites- are 2D sprites that give the impression of depth, posed in 3D, these are used in "The Sims" to add depth to the single perspective. They are still used in games today normally on foliage’s you play games the grass and leaves on trees turn to face you to give the impression of depth.

First of Mario is a 8-bit game made of 2D sprites this pixel game the intentions of this are to be played on older consoles such as the Wii and the Nintendo DS, however bat arkham knight has the intentions to be played on the next gen systems and pc therefor making the pixel amount go up because more is required to make it look exceptional.

Concept art

Below are concept art of the two games:

From the start you can see Mario was intended to be a cartoon, and have the crazy upgrades you can acquire throughout the plat former. With each design getting more and more detailed you can see how the developers created there ideal version of Mario

The concept art with the batman image is drawn to look realistic just like the Mario one was to look cartoonish. The developers of batman did intend for their game to look and feel real.


The textures in Mario are similar to Minecraft because they have a simple image to create with the least pixels they are often created with bright colours.

The Batman textures are used to create a real image so textures such as “rain dripping” to create the real effect of being outside also the clothing has its own texture to make it seem extremely exaggerated an example of this would be the over-sized muscle that batman has.

In-Game interface

On this 2D Mario platform game you can see the in-game interface is placed in the two top corners, the amount of coins you have and the amount of life’s you have. These two things are the most important when playing this sort of game because, the player needs to know how they are doing and how far they are away from attaining another life.

The in-game interface on batman is more photorealistic and exaggerated the interface is set out the same as Mario being that the main displays such as the experience bar (XP) and the guidance bar are in the corners so that you can see what you are doing and therefore not distracting the player at hand just like Mario.

Print Media


Unlike the batman the print media merchandise on Mario has got more bright colours, which matches the artistic style of the game. The colours red, blue, green and yellow are the standard colours showcased in the video game.

Batman Arkham Knight

The print media used in this batman game is used extremely well here, you can the company had produced all kinds of merchandised from posters to real life modals of the vehicles or characters in-game. Along with the physical merchandise there is also some digital add-ons if you pre-order the gam for instance in this game you get can acquire the bat girl downloadable content (DLC).

File Extensions
Super Mario and I'd imagine most other popular games of the era is well known and basically fully understood. There are also documents out there which will describe it all in painful detail. Unfortunately because it means going to less-than-legal sites I'm can't supply you any links from work, but if you google for the .MWL file extension and an editing application called Lunar Magic it may point you in the right direction.
The basic principle though, is fairly simple. First you need your graphics, so you make a single image with tiles for the landscape at a defined size, smaller is more memory efficient, larger gives you more detail, so let's say ours are 32 X 32 pixels.
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Batman Arkham night
Batman Arkham Knight Looks like a true next generation game with a huge open world, and as expected, its file size is one of the biggest when it comes to such open world games, even passing the file size of GTA V on the PS4, which was about 41 GB in size." 

Storage of Image Assets

File size
Image file formats the normal way to store and organize digital graphics. They are made of either vector data, pixels, or a mixture of the two. The image file size is shown by the number of bytes. The greater the number of rows and columns, the greater the image resolution, and the larger the file size.

File-naming conventions

The three most common image file formats, the most important for printing, scanning and Internet use, are TIFF, JPG and GIFF. However, Tiff cannot be used in Internet browsers.

Asset management
Digital asset management is made out of management tasks and decisions surrounding the annotation, cataloguing, storage and distribution of assets. Digital asset management systems have in it computer software and hardware systems that help in the process of digital asset management.