Tuesday 6 October 2015

Game Reviews

Review On Dying Light and Borderlands 2
1.       Dying Light                                                                      2.       Borderlands:2

Dying Light- I personally think dying light is a 9/10 for a zombie game. Reasons behind this are because you have the ability to freely  explore the map this is prior to the ability to parkour, kill zombies in unique ways and use special mods to make your weapons that extra bit more violent. With this they are the zombies the come in different shapes and sizes and have different attributres from slow and extremely strong to fast and weak however some are inbetween
Another thing about this game is that the developers (Techland) are behind the game 100% they produce downloadable content very frequently.

Review by 

Tom Hoggins- (Video Games Editor)
In a zombie apocalypse, those who can run hold the power. This is the concept Techland’s Dying Light explores, casting you as a parkour-adept courier in the quarantined city of Harran. Its first-person free-running recalls Mirror’s Edge, but it is grimier, clumsier. These are desperate scrambles over ramshackle rooftops, not graceful sprints across a pristine city. A seething mass of undead shuffle around at street level below you as you hoik yourself up telegraph poles and leap between abandoned cars and buses.

Borderlands 2- Is just one of them SHOOT N` LOOT games, but unlike other franchise this game delivers a wide range of shooting, killing, looting and farming. You can let your friends do all work or be the Gunsearker (Salvador) and control field with his awesome ability to wield two guns, if you are a well-known player with borderlands 2 you will know that Salvador can literally become god, with the right skill tree you take down bosses in seconds literally.
Review by http://venturebeat.com/
Borderlands 2 is a huge game. Completing the story while doing only a fraction of the side quests takes about 30 hours. Now, add to that all of those extra missions, and you have an even longer experience. If you still crave more, you can then replay the game with four classes, each with three different skill trees that alter their styles.
But I’m not done! After you beat the game, you unlock a harder difficulty to challenge your decked-out character. Simply put, I’m not good enough at math to properly calculate exactly how many hours you could spend playing Borderlands 2. Let’s just say it’s a lot.

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