Tuesday 19 April 2016

Unit 73: To Plan,Record,Edit and Apply sounds to a game.


My sound is going to be for a space shooter game, which means i need action music and a fast pace beat to make the player feel under pressure all the time when they are player the game. I will be combining the different sounds with Sony Vegas because that software is easy to use and is excellent to change the hertz,frequency,fading effects and more. I will be using this program because i had a lot
of experience with it and i can make the sound to the best of my ability.


I will be acquiring my sounds from freesounds.org, soundbible.com and soundtrack.imphenzia.com because they have got a large variety of free sounds which are perfect for type of indie game.

MP3 Files


I will be editing all of sounds on Sony Vegas because the layout is simple straight forward and is to put merge multiple sounds together. After i had finished all of my editing i will be rendering it, then after this i m all clear to upload the sound files to my game and record with OBS then upload to YouTube, then I will Finish of the editing by rendering in MP3 file.

Final audio final for the background sound.

Final audio file for weapon.


Once all my editing is finished i will be applying my sounds to my space shooter game, i will intend to create a background sound and a sound for my players gun.

  Now I have added the sounds in to my game.
Video link of project with sound applied.


Overall I think the sounds I created go with my I intended on creating a fast past up-beat sound for my background I have achieved that, the same goes for my gun sound for my player it is a simple laser sound which fits my type of game. To summarise I think I have kept to my plan and it has worked out pretty well.

Sounds for the project where brought to you by:
