Thursday 14 January 2016

Film breakdown "Appleseed Alpha" (2014)

Title-Appleseed Alpha


In the beginning of the movie the two main characters (Deunan Knute) and (Briareos Hecatonchires) and working for someone called (Two Horns) there first mission we see is that they are on a train , retrieving the vaccine for (Tow horns),  however as with every "easy" mission things are wrong quickly. After  this the main characters noticed that (Two Horns) had set them up and they want out.

Moving on two horns gets blown up by the main enemy (Talos) but good old (Two Horns) survives.
After this he seeks out  to try and find the girl that (Talos) is looking for.


The middle begins when the two main characters find two other people Iris() and (Olson) these two turn out to be the "good guys" they fix (Briareos Hecatonchires) and give him his abilities back.

After this (Talos) finds them and he knows about the two main characters helping them complete their mission. AS the four of them approach a city, (Two Horns) tries to kill them all with his tank, however (Iris) blows up his tank with a grenade, and once again (Two Horns) dies.

After the deathwatch between the four heroes (Talos) kid-napes (Iris) and (Olson) after several minutes of threatening them to give the location of the super weapon hes decides to use force on (Olson) and he downloads all his data, shoots him then he falls out of the helicopter and dies.


The two other heroes (Deunan Knute) and (Briareos Hecatonchires) find (Olson) dead they seek out to for fill the mission that he had, after this (Talos) eventually finds the super weapon and he gains access, however he has no control over it and the 2 main heroes (Deunan Knute) and (Briareos Hecatonchires) eventually catch up and drive down into the base and try to stop (Talos) however they get pinned down, but good old (Two Horns) comes back again and instead of killing them he saves them.

The reaming heroes all work together try and stop the super weapon, however in doing so the 3rd hero (Iris) dies but the super weapon is destroyed.

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